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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Saturday, July 30, 2011

A Rabbit or a Tortoise...You decide

You know the story, the race between the rabbit and the tortoise, where the rabbit decided to sleep most of the race thinking that he can jump in last minute and win while the tortoise steady and slow progress made it the actual winner at the end.

We were told the story many times with the emphasis on the laziness of the rabbit and the hard work of the tortoise. This is true but there is another element I think to this great story.

Look around you and see so many people acting like the rabbit, at work, in high positions and even as they treat each other and they have the rabbit attitude which is: “I can get up at any moment of this race, jump two huge jumps and win the race; I can do it because I am THE RABBIT”. It is true that the rabbit could have won the race in two big jumps, the problem was his timing. Look at the middle eastern governments; offering reforms to issues after things reached the point of no return, thinking that they can at any point offer a big gesture and HOORAY, problem solved. Or look at relationships, some people take others for granted thinking, “I can always come back with a big promise, a nice gift or a huge change and I can win them back”. It is the rabbit all over again, two big jumps and I will be the winner.

However, no matter how clever you are or how fast you are you need to jump at the right time otherwise you will be left alone on the sidelines wondering “how did it all go wrong?”

Friday, July 29, 2011

Just remember ..... The plan is in HIS hands

I am never tired of seeing Tahrir Square in Cairo looking like this. This photo is taken today 29 July, in a 42C heat with people from all backgrounds gathering to voice their anger about the delay and the lack of progress after the revolution.

There are lots of problems still and so many rumors and stories from every direction. Some are worried about the Islamic influence and some of the extremists voices and some are concerned about normal, poor people who are still suffering in silence.

One thing that keeps me very optimistic.....6 months ago, all safe betting were that Gamal Mubarak, the son of Mubark senior, will be soon in charge and will be the next president. No one could even dream of a different scenario or question the outcome. However, God had a different plan. People were praying for Egypt for years, for delivery from injustice and victory to the poor and oppressed. For the torture to stop and for the corruption to end. The thing was we did not know HOW will God sort it out. We prayed and prayed but never thought that it will be like that. Remember David in the old testament? A young boy coming in with a stone to overcome the giant! NO WAY. When Pharaoh went after God's people in Egypt, God opened a way in the SEA!

There are so many examples, but the problem is, God never comes too early and never does things our way. It is always in a BIG, MARVELOUS AND MAJESTIC WAY. So, plan what you want and fight as you wish, but just remember...God still has the plan is HIS hands.

Friday, July 15, 2011

If at first you don't succeed...try try try again

The Egyptian revolution received great reviews from everyone as if it was a new movie. It was massive, peaceful and quick..no problem then..the world clapped, Mubark left and the media pulled their cameras and back to their comfortable cool studios.

The truth is that the revolution is till going and going strong, people wanted to give the new government a chance to work and make a difference but after 5 months it was clear that nothing has changed. More civilians been tried under military law, all those accused of killing protesters are still in their jobs and Mubark is still getting a nice tan in Sharm El Shik. So, it seems that the motto of the Egyptians now is: If at first you don't success, try try try again.

It is 42 c temperature in Egypt but the weather did not seem to stop anyone from protesting. The latest protest started a week ago and people are now sitting in in Cairo-Tahrir sq and other squares across the country and they are camping out!

WHY...because they want real change and I believe they will get it.

Freedom will not come easy and will not come quickly, but it WILL come as long as people want it and willing to work hard to get it. Long Live Freedom.

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